3 Ways Your Audience Helps You Sell More Product (and They Won’t Even Realize It!) | Microspire

3 Ways Your Audience Helps You Sell More Product (and They Won’t Even Realize It!)

We’re not talking about word-of-mouth advertising here, surprisingly. Although influencer marketing helps out with that by miles and miles!

Rather, this is the simple push where not only do you have your brand ambassadors of your influencers out in the trenches doing what they do, but their audience doing the exact same thing!

Of course, you’re asking how that’s possible –

By gaining your credibility – and their trust

Through no effort of your own, too. Thanks to the influencer. Simply having content speak positively about your brand is more than enough to build a great-enough reputation that your audience shouts to the rooftops about your stuff –

Not only talking about your product, but compelling others to buy it!

Think of Skin + Me in the brand’s campaign to leverage influencers with user-generated content (UGC) in Facebook ads. The content’s really simple stuff, too:

  • New customers unboxing their products
  • Merch in hand, their bright faces with glee
  • Before-and-after videos to show their skin improved

Content like that is gold to a marketing team. But more importantly….

You can collect all that data for a better understanding of your current audience

Now don’t get us wrong: email marketing is essential. But sometimes it’s challenging gathering all the valuable data you want about your audience.

One Instagram video from an influencer in a few days could probably do what three email sequences could do in a few months! And the more data you have? The better marketing content you can create.

Think of the richness you get from an influencer campaign:

  • Age metrics
  • Gender metrics
  • Location metrics
  • Engagement metrics
  • Reach and impressions metrics

The list honestly could get longer and longer.

You can even take that refined audience to strengthen your online community

Facebook groups. Forums. Chat sessions. Webinars. The sky’s the limit. When you group an entire community of customers together, talking about your product – connecting, swapping tips, sharing advice – it becomes an autonomous marketing machine.

But you need that loyal audience to manage building that.

And how do you get it?

By accessing influencers right now with Microspire! Get them on board, empower them to shout about your product and get their audience excited.

Then watch their audience become your audience. And that audience will then shout for you.

Start now.



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