3 Top Influencer Marketing Benefits Your Business Can’t Miss | Microspire

3 Top Influencer Marketing Benefits Your Business Can’t Miss

Let’s be clear, though – there are a ton of benefits in having influencers promoting your brand. But we can nail all of them in general down to three basic ones. And, boy, they’re doozies!

#1: Building brand awareness

Those two words often get thrown around a lot with very little meaning, but let’s just say the two words in this space are “loaded” with a whole lot of social media explosion you often don’t see right off the bat.

For starters, when influencers create content featuring your brand, do you know what happens? Their followers get to see your brand.

It’s almost like being at a trade show, but the Winchester twins from Supernatural are hosting your booth. Watch all the guests flock to your brand as a result.

It goes without saying that brands like Athletic Greens with the number of TikTok influencers get to see their company skyrocket with an influencer campaign reaching 100 million views.

That’s just from TikTok.

#2: Cracking new markets

Always a challenge for companies, market penetration is a pipe dream. Not so with influencer marketing.

Whereas your in-house marketing often casts a pretty wide net over the ocean, typically influencers cast a wide net over the ocean, deserts, valleys, mountains and so much more because they don’t just speak to the fishes, see?

Bulldog, for example, took their UK-based men’s skincare product onto TikTok’s Creator Program, and what happened? ….They find an audience in Germany!

Even better? Bulldog did it without even having their own TikTok account with influencers on the platform amassing as many as 29.8 million impressions with a 5% to 10% increase in sales.

#3: Growing your social media following

We know what you’re thinking: ain’t no way social media will give my brand sales. Not without spending an arm and a leg on paid ads.

But an influencer with several million followers on Facebook? Promoting you? What else do you think will happen?

Those followers will end up following you. And then you get to chat with them more about your brand. They end up becoming your audience!

Like we said, though – that’s just the beginning

There really are five core benefits you get from influencer marketing, and these three represent just one of them. But if you not only want to know what all those benefits are, but want to take advantage of them, there’s only one thing you need to do –

Sign up your business below!



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