What Influencer Marketing Does for Your Product and Sales | Microspire

What Influencer Marketing Does for Your Product and Sales

The review landscape’s already littered with hazardous waste.

So what could influencer marketing possibly do to ensure great things are said about your product? A lot, actually. So much, in fact, that it’ll increase your sales.

Sound too good to be true? It isn’t. It’s pure fact. And reality.

Thanks to influencer marketing, product feedback’s authentic

Think about it. The feedback you’ll get about your product won’t be on account of you asking for it. Or even paying for it.

Instead, the influencer is getting it from his or her followers!

This doesn’t necessarily mean, though, you’ll never get positive remarks, because they’ll be “honest” about it, nor will it mean you’ll get more negative feedback on account of those followers being “real” about it.

Instead, you’ll gain valuable insight into what your prospective audience wants in a product.

Think of what Thinx did when the feminine hygiene brand invited more than 20 influencers to a Los Angeles slumber party just to get some feedback on their new line of products. Because of the wide net cast, not only did the brand get that valuable insight, but it netted an astonishing $810,000 in revenue at a customer acquisition cost of only $35.20.

So it goes without saying – sales increase

But even better: you end up getting repeat orders, retaining customers solely on the fact that influencers often get to benefit from offering their followers discount codes.

What does that mean? More return business. No effort in needing to gain it. The recurring purchases make up the ROI in exchange for the discount easy.

A fantastic example of this is KNIX’s focus on getting influencer Hilary Henderson promoting the company’s products on her Instagram with the discount code HILARYHCOMEDY_KNIXLOVE. You can take a wild guess at the uptick in sales for KNIX as a result.

More than worth it to focus on influencer marketing for your business

So it’s in your best interest to see what’s possible for your brand. Whether you’re interested first in targeting your product to the right audience, ramping up your product excellence, or simply boosting your sales? Influencer marketing does it all.

You could even peruse influencers below by signing up your business to get started! See for yourself!



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